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  • Offer | CMQ

    Offer Event Management 1 Projektorganisation & Planung Wir übernehmen die komplette Planung und Organisation Ihres Events – von der Konzeptentwicklung bis zur Durchführung. Alles wird professionell und zielgerichtet abgestimmt, damit Ihr Event reibungslos verläuft. 2 Budgetmanagement Durch präzise Budgetplanung und -kontrolle stellen wir sicher, dass Ihr Event nicht nur qualitativ hochwertig, sondern auch kosteneffizient umgesetzt wird. Wir maximieren Ihre Ressourcen und halten den finanziellen Rahmen ein. 3 Akquise von Sponsoren & Partnern Mit unserer Erfahrung und unserem Netzwerk akquirieren wir gezielt Sponsoren und Partner, die den Erfolg Ihres Events mitfinanzieren und unterstützen. So schaffen wir zusätzliche Mehrwerte für Ihr Event.

  • Coaching | CMQ

    Coaching Entdecken Sie massgeschneidertes Coaching, das auf einem fundierten Psychologie-Studium und einer spezialisierten Weiterbildung im systemischen Coaching Modell basiert. Mit einem ganzheitlichen Ansatz unterstützt Sie dabei, persönliche und berufliche Herausforderungen nachhaltig zu meistern. Gemeinsam erweitern wir Ihre Perspektiven, entwickeln konkrete Lösungen und setzen Veränderungen gezielt um – immer ausgerichtet auf Ihre individuellen Bedürfnisse und die grösseren Zusammenhänge, in denen Sie agieren. Starten Sie jetzt Ihre transformative Reise zu mehr Klarheit, Erfolg und Zufriedenheit! Depression Partnerschaftsfragen Erziehungsproblemen Orientierungslosigkeit Angebot anfordern Vorname Nachname E-Mail Absenden Danke für Ihre Nachricht!

  • Christina Qu | International Business

    Vision We have a vision of a world where national borders are not barriers to cooperation, but bridges that connect us. A world where countries, citi es, organisations and people pull together to overcome climate change. Our vision is not just a dream, but an achievable goal that we want to realise with determination and international cooperation based on solidarity. Mission We are committed to dynamic collaboration in researching and developing smart business solutions. Our goal is to promote innovation that not only combats climate change, but also promotes prosperity and sustainability. We believe that the synergies of international research and innovation will pave the way for a prosperous and sustainable future. Our mission includes promoting communication and collaboration in research and business between countries, cities and organisations. We believe in the transformative power of knowledge exchange and projects. CONTACT Name E-Mail-Adresse Telefonnummer Adresse Betreff Nachricht Absenden Danke für's Absenden!

  • Sustainable Development | CMQ

    Sustainable development Sustainable development is a concept that aims to meet the needs of today's generations without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It is a way of doing business that combines economic, social and ecological sustainability and thus contributes to creating a future worth living for all people on earth.​ At its core, sustainable development is about using the earth's finite resources in a sustainable way to meet people's needs while protecting the environment. It is also about building a more just society where all people have access to resources and opportunities.​ Sustainable development has become more important in recent years as more and more people and businesses realize that the way we do business affects the environment and society. However, the implementation of sustainable development goals requires rethinking in many areas, starting with the production and consumption of goods and services to the creation of fairer political and economic systems. There are many initiatives and projects aimed at sustainable development. These include, among other things, the promotion of renewable energies, the switch to sustainable agriculture and the promotion of environmentally friendly means of transport. By implementing sustainable development goals, we can create a future worth living for everyone, in which we live in harmony with our environment and ensure a fairer society.

  • Projects | CMQ

    Opportunity for cooperation with the largest AI congress Shanghai Opportunity for cooperation with the largest AI congress Shanghai Sustainable - Products / SMEs Green City Basel association Opportunity for cooperation with the largest AI congress Shanghai Sustainable - People Planet Products UN BRS COPs Gevena Sustainable - People health and mindfulness

  • Business Partner | CMQ

    Partner CMQ GmbH is exclusive partner of Shanghai Smart City Development Institute in Switzerla nd ​ Shanghai Smart City Development Institute (SSCDI) is a professional and leading research institution in the field of smart city, urban, industrial and corporate digital transformation in China. Since its establishment in 2012, the Institute has been based in Shanghai and desired to influence the whole of China and link the world. Also, it has contributed to play as a think tank with offering high-quality services, such as smart city top-level design, programming project, standard assessment, industrial research, cooperation and exchange, and training. Meanwhile, it has been committed to building digital development ecology and win-win future of digital world with domestic and foreign partners, and making a contribution to the construction of digital China and global smart city.

  • Stakeholdermanagement | CMQ

    stakeholder management Stakeholder management describes the process of identifying, analyzing and working with those groups that are affected by or have an influence on an organization or company. It is about understanding and considering the interests and needs of the various stakeholder groups in order to enable successful cooperation. ​ Stakeholder management for sustainability is crucial to develop and implement a sustainable strategy. Working with the right stakeholders can help increase acceptance and support for your sustainability initiatives and mitigate risks and challenges. Effective stakeholder management also allows you to focus on the sustainability issues that matter most to your stakeholders, thereby increasing the credibility and success of your sustainability strategy. By communicating and collaborating regularly with your sustainability stakeholders, you can also get feedback and new ideas to improve your strategy and seize new opportunities. Who are stakeholders Stakeholders can include employees, customers, suppliers, investors, regulators, communities, and environmental groups. Each group has different expectations and interests in an organization or business, and it is important to understand and consider these in order to build long-term relationships and ensure successful collaboration. Advantage of stakeholder analysis Effective stakeholder management can lead to better decision-making and successful implementation of projects and initiatives. It can also help to increase stakeholder trust in an organization or company and improve its image. ​ In order to practice successful stakeholder management, it is important to promote open and transparent communication in order to build trust and improve understanding between the different stakeholder groups. It is also important to involve stakeholders early in the decision-making process and to take their opinions and concerns seriously. ​ Overall, stakeholder management is an important part of the successful operation of companies and organizations. Good cooperation with all stakeholder groups can not only lead to the successful implementation of projects and initiatives, but also contribute to an improved image and a stronger market position.

  • Nachhaltigkeit | Christina Qu

    Manager ​ From Beijing to Basel - A lively journey ​ The journey of a lifetime began in Beijing, a mega city of 22 million people and a history of three thousand years, the fascinating capital of China. ​ After her first degree IT software and an interesting professional career at world-renowned Swiss pharmaceutical companies and American companies, she finally moved to picturesque Switzerland. Here she not only took on the role of a loving mother and committed wife, but also successfully mastered the integration process in a short time. In her second home, Switzerland, she found security and fulfilment, she felt cared for by loving people. ​ But her passion for personal development, her insatiable thirst for knowledge and her growing interest in sustainability were to lead to a turning point in her life. In middle age, she returned to books and began studying applied psychology at FHNW. Her educational journey continued at the renowned Cambridge University Judge Business School, where she deepened her knowledge in the field of sustainability and the circular economy. ​ With this impressive combination of intercultural competence, international experience and a deep understanding of people and sustainability, she finally founded her own consulting company. Here she helped companies develop global sustainability strategies and foster international collaboration to implement Smart Solutions. ​ Her message is: Only together can we preserve our living space for ourselves and our children. Every small project that is in harmony with our planet has an impact. ​ email ​

  • News | CMQ

    Occasion " WeStart" in Shanghai Platform for capital projects All Posts No posts published in this language yet Once posts are published, you’ll see them here.

  • Green City Basel | CMQ

    Green City Basel association Together with the Commercial and Business Park Foundation, the FHNW and the Start-up Academy, we founded the Green City Basel association in 2022. The vision of the "Zero-Waste, Circular Economy, Economy & Sustainability" association is to create a society based on the principles of sustainability and circular economy. The association relies on the promotion of innovation and the creation of new business models that build on these principles. By implementing projects, the association wants to help create jobs and increase value creation. The association works closely with various stakeholders to achieve broad support for its initiatives. ​ Another important goal of the association is to raise awareness of sustainability in society. By creating awareness and educating the population about the importance of sustainability and the circular economy, the association wants to help more people get involved in these issues and adapt their lifestyles accordingly. ​ Overall, the "Zero-Waste, Circular Economy, Economy & Sustainability" association strives for a society that is based on the principles of sustainability and circular economy, that is innovative and adds value, while protecting the environment. Our location - factory park Through its activities, Werkpark Basel strives to contribute to promoting sustainability in the Basel region and to supporting the economy by creating new jobs and business opportunities. Our target group Our target group are SMEs, because SMEs usually have special needs and challenges that need to be taken into account. For example, SMEs often cannot access the same resources and means as larger companies, but often have the desire to innovate and develop further. International cooperation International cooperation can help companies increase their competitiveness and expand their business on a global scale. These include expanding the market, increasing efficiency, access to resources, reducing risk, fostering innovation and creativity, and knowledge sharing.

  • Community Network | CMQ

    More innovation thanks to community A community committed to sustainability, development and the circular economy is important for several reasons: Collaboration: A community can work together on solutions, leveraging the diverse skills and perspectives of its members. Together you can achieve more than alone. Raising awareness: Through exchange and discussion in a community, members can expand and share their knowledge and awareness of sustainability and the circular economy. This can help more people get involved and understand the importance of these issues. Economic Development: A community committed to circular economy and sustainability can help create new business models and products based on these principles. This can not only contribute to the creation of new jobs, but also strengthen the local economy. Conservation of resources: By using circular economy, resources can be conserved and waste can be avoided. A committed community can help embed these principles throughout society. Overall, a community committed to sustainability, development and the circular economy can help societal development move in a more sustainable direction and protect the environment.

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